Saturday, 22 November 2014

The Newsmen

The Newsmen

Be it rain or sunshine; a holiday or just another average working day, the daily newspaper has reached our doorstep every morning without failure ever since we were born.  But how does a newspaper actually reach our dwelling with every rising sun? One would often think of this query as trivial. After all it is the news that matters; why worry about how it reaches us? But it is important to understand that news is of no use if it is not voiced, and if not voiced in a well-timed manner.
What makes this printed vehicle of media more interesting than any other news-carrier is the way it carries news. It’s the 21st century and the digitized media is functioning at an electrifying pace, invading your smart phones and tablets and contrastingly, in this same era, the newspaper uses the human chain to travel up to you.
Yes, the nation is bitten by the cash on delivery (COD) bug of e-tailers, but have we realized that the latest trend of cutting edge supply- chain management and timely door step delivery is not new to us at all?
What struck me most about the process of newspaper circulation is that it appears to work like any other corporate firm – Applying minimum resources it obtains the maximum results. And what is generalized by us as ‘newspaper-wala’ is a job dexterously executed by a team of dedicated people.
Newspaper delivery boys manually sort their newspaper copies and are popularly seen on bicycles during delivery. Cost of their service is normally based on the cover price of newspaper which is not more than Rs. 100-300 per month on an average, depending upon the number and type of newspaper ordered.
Application of technology in newspaper circulation is limited but the procedure functions as phenomenally and efficiently as any other vehicle of media. Possibly, it is this competence that keeps re-instilling the impact of print media in me time and again.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Well, here it is finally, i have been working on creating a fortnightly tabloid. The paper is a 2 page, gray-scale edition covering mostly campus, political, business and local city news editorials. I personally along with a small team compile, design, edit, print and circulate the paper. The objective of creating the paper is to target the age group of the society which is not internet savvy and still believes in the concept of the printed form of news. The name of the paper is 'The Beacon', dedicated to my father, the guiding light of my life. 
The Mission : Cater to your hunger for local and campus related news.
The Vision : To form a strong readership base which looks forward to the next issue after 15 days.
The Objective : To celebrate the freedom of press and the essence of journalism and restore faith in the printed news for Gen Y.

Attached to this is my a Jpeg of  the 15th November issue of 'The Beacon', please do check it out. I look froward to your feedback. Also if you want a hard copy delivered to you please do let me know. It costs 2 Rs and is hand delivered by me personally :p.